
Friday, August 6, 2010

adat berniaga

pelbagai kerenah kita akan jumpa kalau dah berniaga.
mcm2 nak itu, nak ini.
kalau pasal nak itu, nak ini, masih boleh di layan sbb mereka punya hak atas apa yang mereka minta
ofcoz, they want the best.. me tooo...
tapi kalau dah masalah yang bukan disebabkan oleh ES sendiri, tp told us yg salah, agak bengang lah jugak.. but, as responsible person, i accept all things..
please be nice.. please dont miss your muslim attitude...
we have ADAT berbicara.. hehehehhehehehhehe
i still respect u as my customer..
our motto: CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT... so, please be nice with us.. if you have any problem, please told to us, and dont shame us.. thanks... muaxxxxx

ES perlu kuat ok.. wakakakkakakkaa


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